F1 in Imola: many beautiful words in a marked future

L'Italia rappresenta un'anomalia nello schema di Liberty Media. Il doppio gran premio tricolore è un modello che può durare? Il futuro di Imola è incerto

Perhaps it would be best to focus on the facts rather than chasing sweet hopes. In the week of the Imola Grand Prix it is necessary to make an act of profound realism and admit to oneself that having two F1 races on Italian soil was an extraordinary opportunity that is unlikely to be realized again. 

La settimana scorsa Stefano Bonaccini, il presidente dell’Emilia Romagna, nel presentare la gara, aveva affermato che ogni sforzo sarebbe stato compiuto pur di vedere ancora a lungo la Formula Uno all’Enzo e Dino Ferrari.

Next to him was a optimistic but cautious Angelo Sticchi Damiani who, in a more extreme politician than that of the professional politician who sat next to him, took his time while confirming his efforts and pious intentions. 

Quando la coppia s’è sciolta, il presidente dell’Automobil Club Italia è stato meno concessivo e decisamente più realista rendendo manifesto quel che un po’ tutti hanno capito: due gran premi in Italia sono e restano un’anomalia in un calendario che vuole aprirsi sempre più all’internazionalizzazione. La Formula 1 ricorre i soldi e nel Belpaese tutte queste risorse non vi sono. 

Gp Imola 2024 orari e TV

Imola at risk? Angelo Sticchi Damiani speaks

Will Imola remain in Formula 1? “It's a million dollar question”. This is Sticchi Damiani's response to the broadcast Politics in the Balloon on Rai GR Parliament. And put like this, the smart reader has already understood where this is going. “

We have 2025 guaranteed by the contract. There has been talk of a recovery of 2023 in two years so that all five contractual editions can be had: this is the hope“. We therefore discover that the matter is not even certain as Stefano Domenicali made it clear, who nevertheless made a public commitment. And we don't want to believe that they will go back on their word. He was born in Imola. 

E poi l’atto di estrema onestà: “We realize that we represent an extraordinary anomaly of which we are proud. We are the only country in Europe to have two Formula 1 Grands Prix. We will have to compete with other European Grands Prix and we realize that we represent the easiest solution to make ends meet, but this does not discourage us“.

In chiusura torna lo Sticchi Damiani speranzoso: “We will do everything we can to ensure this continues. There are many small companies that make components for F1. The bond also existed in the long period without GP. All of this has value and is a beautiful story to continue”. As? And he didn't answer. He's smart.

F1 in Imola: because the future is uncertain

Enzo and Dino Ferrari pays a donation of 24 million per year to stay in Formula 1. The Institute for Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Emilia Romagna Region pay 5 million each. Two were introduced by the Imola Intermunicipal Multiservice Company Consortium for a total of 17 million. 

The remaining seven are injected by the Automobil Club Italia. It seems that FOM's requests could rise and exceed 30 million euros. Everyone should make an extra effort. The ACI, initially reluctant to favor Monza, seems to be able to review its plans. The Emilia Romagna Region, for its part, has understood that a further effort is needed. 

Angelo Sticchi Damiani, president of ACI

Liberty Media has its business model in mind which involves very high subscription fees. Certainly higher than the current 24 millionthe. The 30 mentioned may not be enough because they are almost negligible figures compared to those that pay out leads such as the US ones or, even worse, the Middle Eastern and Asian ones. This is why Domenicali and Greg Maffei want to internationalize Formula One more and more and take races away from Europe. 

This is what emerged in the Liberty Media Corporation quarterly report. Read here to believe. The two-race scheme will be sustainable if Imola manages to profoundly adapt the structures and if it is able to significantly increase the emoluments due to the FOM. How much will promoters be willing to spend? But above all, how much will ownership be conducive to the Italian anomaly?

Rumors yet to be verified state that Formula 1 is about to sign up for a Grand Prix to be held in Chicago, in 2026. Non-random date which coincides with the end of the Imola contract. For now they are rumors, but connecting the dots reveals the awareness of how complex it is to maintain the double commitment. 

Let's enjoy the event that will start on Thursday with the usual press conference with the awareness that it could be one of the last. Because if Italy had to choose between Imola and Monza it would probably focus on the latter. And there are many signs to say so.

Crediti foto: F1, ACI

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