Chi siamo

Formulacritica: a new light on F1 is a web magazine that aims to act as a container of ideas in which critical analyzes of what revolves around the world of Formula 1 and motor sports in general are developed. Criticism, therefore, understood as the faculty possessed by those who try to reach a judgment on a specific element in consideration of facts that are pondered, explored, observed in their dynamics, enucleated and, after this process, offered to the reader who, at his own discretion, time, he will have the ability to develop his own opinion on the event in question.

The idea of building this virtual agora was born to satisfy the need not to limit oneself to a specific juncture of the F1 phenomenon. Formulacritica, at the time of its birth, it is an embryonic project but one that intends to evolve diligently, structuring itself as it progresses within the team and in the subjects covered.

Formulacritica intends to have a multiplatform approach given that it will be present on the main social networks which will act as natural offshoots that develop from the site which is and will remain the fulcrum of the mechanism. In the appropriate sections you can find links to all social networks.  

Formulacritica: the team

Founder, manager and editor-in-chief:


All articles published on and on the social channels attributable to it are the property of their respective authors. All rights are reserved but may be reproduced subject to written authorization from the legitimate owners and with citation of the source. 

The editorial staff of assumes no responsibility for third-party material that appears in user comments, both on the site and on the relevant social networks. The images on the site, unless otherwise specified, are sourced from the social channels of the teams, drivers and other entities that are part of F1 and the other categories analyzed. Other images come from the web and the source is always declared. In case of improper use we will remove and de-index any image reported to us in the inbox if its use is actually illegitimate.

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