F1 – New ATR regime kicks in: Ferrari penalised

1 July, new Aerodynamic Testing Regulation (ATR) tables. Here's who's going up and who's going down compared to six months ago

Since 2021, F1 has been based on the sliding scale for aerodynamic tests which depend on the positioning of each individual team in the ranking. The mechanism ofATR – Aerodynamic Testing Regulation – regulates the number of tests that can be carried out in the wind tunnel and the hours of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that can be used to develop a racing car.

The regulatory device aims to level the values to generate a fairer Formula One which must lead, over the years, to more competitive and unpredictable races. Target that is starting to be achieved in this 2024 championship.


Ranking position % ATR Wind tunnel racing CFD Tokens
1 70 224 1400
2 75 240 1500
3 80 256 1600
4 85 272 1700
5 90 288 1800
6 95 304 1900
7 100 320 2000
8 105 336 2100
9 110 352 2200
10 115 368 2300

The ATR mechanism works in close synergy with the cost cap. It can be said that they are two sides of the same coin. The system provides that teams cannot launch into infinite sessions. At most you can do 40 runs wind tunnel per week in a framework where the time given to each team for wind tunnel testing and CFD tokens is defined by their on-track performance.

Hours are based on league position at the end of the previous season and then reset on 30 June each year to reflect the current state of affairs. Those in front are penalized and the allocation increases as you move down the starting grid of the world championship, as can be seen in the table above.

ATR: Ferrari penalized, Mercedes advantaged

By virtue of the Constructors' Ranking gained after the Austrian Grand Prix (available here) Ferrari will see its operating margin reduce. Not a good thing given the difficulties the SF-24 is facing: read the focus. Last year the Red team finished in third place. Now, as a second-grader, she will watch the hours go down. The same goes for McLaren which ended 2023 in fourth position.

Red Bull does not face any mutations. In Milton Keynes they are now used to operating with fewer hours available. The one who made a good leap, however, was Mercedes who, from second place, relegated to fourth place. This has repercussions on a significant increase in the operating amount. Which can make the difference both in the definition of the 2025 model and in the refinement of the W15 which has taken seriously since Munich.

Crediti foto: F1

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