Adrian Newey: luxury "unemployed" looking for a new job

Browse the daisy Adrian Newey who confessed to Eddie Jordan, manager and friend, that he is tired but wants to stay in F1

I'm seriously considering changing teams, going somewhere else and doing another four or five years or whatever. I'm feeling a little tired at the moment, but I'll probably go back at some point“. Words by Adrian Newey taken from an interview with Eddie Jordan which, while not giving certainties about the future, are indicative of a fact: the engineer doesn't stop and will remain in Formula One.

Adrian Newey: what options for the English genius? Brief recap

In addition to the five teams mentioned above, there do not appear to be any other outsiders. Not even Audi, which might be interested in such a successful engineer. Andreas Seidl ruled him out a couple of days ago. Who will prevail among the five challengers? It will still take some time to have an official confirmation. 

Crediti foto: Oracle Red Bull Racing

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